Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Masala Markets

We stopped at Masala markets on the way home and Ortency took Sue to buy some Chitngas (sarongs) for the Buseko ladies who have been opening an shutting the gate for us every time we come home, even in the rain.

Sam and Phil had a walk around and ended up buying some mangos, peanuts(ground nuts here), avacadoes and some tiny tiny dried fish (kapenta), and some dried catapillars. Apparently you can get the catepillars as they are or soak them for a while and then fry in some oil. Will try before we go. We had some fried termites last week and they were good. Tasted like charcoaled chicken skin, though there seemed to be some residual grit in them.

The markets are huge and you can get everything there from dries catepillars to lounge suites to pumpkin leaves to a hair cut and clothes and pots and pans and live chooks.

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