Tomorrow - wednesday we are going to the Nsobe wildlife park. It it a thing they do with every team that comes. As well as the visits into the compounds and the hospital it is a way to see more of Zambia outside the walls of Grace Academy.
Every team member that sponsors a child gets to take that child out for the day, so we will have Marron and Patrick with us. It gives us a chance to get to know them better and for them to get to know us. Marron is already quite comfortable and affectionate with us and enjoys a hug and just to hold hands.
A few other children are selected to go as well. There is a big list of who has been and who hasn't and fortunately John and Kerry sort that out. This does not stop the kids from lobbying for the spare places. It is really tough when you would love all them to go and they come up to you quietly and ask " who are you taking to Nsobe? Can you take me". They are so much better off than the thousands and thousands of other orphans but they still miss out on so much. Just to get away from the school and their dorms and have a swim and an icecream and see some animals.
Sam has been a bit sick the last 2 days. Malaria is always suspected when someone is not well and has a fever. If he's not better tomorrow he will be off to the clinic for a blood slide. There has been a few of the Canadians who have been crook as well, but so far no Malaria.
Hi Phil and Sue - thank you so much for blogging we have been praying for Hudson and are so excited to hear of all you have been doing. We will be praying for Sam and his health. Cheryl